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Counter-terrorism is a very specialized area focused typically on security, military & law enforcement arenas but the climate has changed. Too many people think counter-terrorism is all about guns and fighting. As we are experiencing this is far from the truth!. Our course is designed to instill knowledge and confidence for both management and employees. The cost covers certification, manuals, and light refreshments.
Course Details:
Our course focus is
The definition of the term ‘Terrorism’ and ‘Terrorist’
The history of terrorism and its effects
What is an Improvised Explosive Device
The different types of explosive devices and methods that terrorists employ
Counter-terror organizations
Contingency and emergency planning
Threat assessment and management
Risk reduction measures to reduce the threat you face
The importance of incident management planning
Post attack or incident considerations
Career Impact
Essential knowledge to today’s public, let alone security operatives as nowadays the threat of a terrorist attack is a very real and serious danger. After completing this course, delegates will have more awareness of how to identify the level of threat they might be facing, and how they can counteract and reduce this threat and learn various steps to take in the fight against terror. Successful delegates will receive a Skills for a Security certificate.
Entrance Requirement
You must provide:
Two identity documents from group A. At least one document must show your current address and at least one document must show your date of birth.
One identity document from group A and two documents from group B. At least one document must show your current address and at least one document must show your date of birth.
Group A
If you are a UK passport holder, your passport number entered on the application form. You do not need to submit the actual passport.
Signed valid passport of any other nationality.
Signed valid UK photo driving license (both parts of the full or provisional license are required)
UK original birth certificate issued within 12 months of birth
UK biometric residence permit
Group B
Valid EU photo ID card.
Valid UK firearms license with photo
Signed valid UK paper driving license.
Marriage certificate or Civil Partnership certificate, with translation if not in English.
UK birth certificate issued more than 12 months after the date of birth, but not a photocopy.
Non-UK birth certificate, with translation if not in English.
UK adoption certificate
P45 statement of income for tax purposes on leaving a job issued in the last 12 months.
P60 annual statement of income for tax purposes issued in the last 12 months.
Bank or building society statement issued to your current address, less than three months old. You can use more than one statement as long as each is issued by a different bank or building society.
Mortgage statement issued in the last 12 months.
Utility bill (gas, electric, telephone, water, satellite, cable) issued to your current address within the last three months. You can only submit one utility bill in support of your application.
Pension, endowment, or ISA statement issued in last 12 months.
British work permit or visa issued in last 12 months.
Letter from H.M. Revenue & Customs, Department of Work and Pensions, employment service, or local authority issued within the last three months. You can submit more than one letter as long as each is issued by a different Government department or a different local authority.
A credit card statement sent to your current address within the last three months. You can submit more than one statement as long as each is issued by a different issuer.
Council Tax statement issued in the last 12 months.
Child benefit book issued in last 12 months.
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